Point Pinos Lighthouse



Social Media & Local Links

YouTube Channel

  YouTube  *  Facebook  *  Instagram  *  Wikipedia

  City of Pacific Grove  includes Lighthouse/Golf Course

  Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
  Heritage Society of Pacific Grove
  Discover Point Pinos Heritage Map

  List of Local Attractions make a day of it PDF



Oil Lamp drawing

Teacher Resource Page

  most of this is intended for 4th grade and above:
  besides pages on the rest of this site there are: coloring pages, youtube/social media, CA standards, Monterey 1852, Natural History, Out of Copyright, PG Library, Navigation, Hazards of early materials, Diseases of the early years


Slide Shows

Emily Fish

   Artist View  over the years
   B-day 165  period costume (2020)
   Docents  docents at work
   Facebook  best image from each month
   Front Steps  repair
   Gift Shop  browsing welcome
   Gypsy Anchor  exhibit evolution/repair
   Inside  the lighthouse
   Keepers  1855 - 1964, PDF
   Outside  the lighthouse
   Postcards  postcards early to recent
   Restoration  the restoration effort
   Reviews  recent ones on Google
   Visitors  some of the vistors
   Weather  weekly images
   Wildlife  seen around the lighthouse
   Wrecks  never because the light was out PDF


fresnel lens

Inside Signs and Such - PDFs

   3rd Order Fresnel Lens  and maker
   Eclipser  1st sign
   Eclipser  2nd sign
   Emily Fish quote  from her logs
   Emily Fish quote  from her logs
   Emily Fish quote  from her logs
   Foghorn  sign beneath the foghorn
   Fresnel demo  w/ the 4 watt bulb
   Tower  sign below the lantern room
   Allen Luce quote  from his logs
   Allen Luce quote  from his logs
   Allen Luce quote  from his logs
   Close up  of geo map
   Mixed  misc signs

WWII Watch Tower


   Italian Americans  an injustice done
   Japanese Americans  an injustice done
   Japanese Subs  seen along the west coast
   Watch Tower  at the lighthouse
   WWII at LH  artillery and beach patrol
   Beach Patrol  Elks Magazine article

  More about Japanese Sub activity

  WWII at PPLH research on where everything was



Sam Colburn painting showing PPLH and NOAA

   POINT PINOS: a conundrum on the Monterey Peninsula
   A BRIEF HISTORY of the NOAA Pacific Grove, CA facility
   Historic California Posts  
   Mural on NOAA building by Ray Troll
   Wikipedia NOAA  

   Sam Colburn painting of PPLH & NOAA



Westcoast Lighthouses

West Coast Lighthouses - PDFs

  PPLH: Oc 4s 89ft 17M
   Google Map: Latitude 36° 38' 0.22" N
   Longitude 121° 56' 1.67" W

  West Coast Map - map with all the lighthouses on the west coast
  California - links to more information
  Oregon - links to more information
  Washington - links to more information


Emily EQ 1906

Early Keeper Logs - PDFs

  Allen Luce 1872-1893 - a time of change
  Emily Fish 1893-1899 - second appointed woman keeper
  Emily Fish 1900-1906 - includes San Francisco earthquake
  Emily Fish 1907-1909 - the last log we have


Oil Lamp drawing

More Information - PDFs

  Inside Lighthouse - floor plan
  Plants at Lighthouse - natives and garden plants
  History Timeline - lighthouse, local and national events
  Oil Lamp Drawing - first lights used oil, this is how it worked
  Keeper Tech Timeline - tech at lighthouse and local history
  Del Monte Train - San Francisco to Asilomar
  Ship Wrecks - Year and location



More Documents - PDFs


  Memories of living at PPLH by Nancy Hane
  George Petersen retires 1957 Herald article
  Charlotte Layton/Harris her time as keeper
  Dr. Fish Emily Fish's husband before her arrival
  Dr. Melanchthon Fish Emily Fish's husband's biography
  Emily Fish article in SF Examiner 1900
  Female Keepers a master's thesis
  Scott Fisher keeper 1969-1970
  Thomas Henderson keeper 1938-1955
  Keeper Instructions 1881
  Keeper Instructions 1902
  John Jeffrey keeper 1914-1919
  Jiggs lighthouse cat
  Vera Larson lighthouse docent
  Lighthouse Quarterley Fall 1996
  Allen Luce keeper 1871-1893
  Charles Layton keeper 1855, deputy, stats
  Joaquin de la Torre deputy, killed along with Layton
  Peter Nelson keeper 1931-1938
  Bob Stone assistant keeper 1953
  Andrew Wasson keeper 1863-1870
  Andrew Wasson sheriff 1872-1873
  Wreck on shore Oct 1961 wreck of catamaran
  Keeper Plaque and assistant keepers
  Schematic what's in each room
  Map of Bay Area NOAA map SF - Big Sur
  Map of Monterey Bay NOAA map Closeup
  Tower Restoration 9/21/21
  Recent Coast Guard visitor as recorded by Docent Ann
  The Fresnel Lens 10/28/2022
  Juliet Fish Nichols: Angel Island 11/2022
  Site selection by Paul Knostman 11/2011
  Lew Kew after Emily Fish

  PPLH Time line 6/13/2024

  150th b-day video not part of current video collection

docents in period costumes

Project Pages - how to guides

  Slide shows
  Video slide shows
  Period costumes

Robert Louis Stevenson

Pacific Grove Library Catalog Links

  Cat Search for Lighthouse
  McCaffery's book
  Video about PPLH by McCaffery
  Stevenson family of lighthouse builders RLS did help engineer and build one lighthouse with his family in 1872 Dhu Heartach


no personal information collected and no ads.

problems/suggestions email owamoosa at gmail dot com

hosted by the The Heritage Society of Pacific Grove
The Heritage Society of Pacific Grove
in cooperation with the City of Pacific Grove
City of Pacific Grove