Point Pinos Lighthouse


Keeper Notes


The Lighthouse Keepers, 1855-1961Emily Fish 1893-1914

Slide show of all our keepers. From the first Keeper, killed by a bandit, to the last keeper going totally electric.




Emily EQ 1906

Early Keeper Logs (PDFs)

  Allen Luce 1872-1893 - a time of change
  Emily Fish 1893-1899 - second appointed woman keeper
  Emily Fish 1900-1906 - includes San Francisco earthquake
  Emily Fish 1907-1909 - the last log we have


More Keeper Documents (PDFs)


  Memories of living at PPLH by Nancy Hane
  George Petersen retires 1957 Herald article
  Charlotte Layton/Harris her time as keeper
  Dr. Fish Emily Fish's husband before her arrival
  Dr. Melanchthon Fish Emily Fish's husband's biography
  Emily Fish article in SF Examiner 1900
  Female Keepers a master's thesis
  Scott Fisher keeper 1969-1970
  Thomas Henderson keeper 1938-1955
  Keeper Instructions 1881
  Keeper Instructions 1902
  John Jeffrey keeper 1914-1919
  Jiggs lighthouse cat
  Vera Larson lighthouse docent
  Lighthouse Quarterley Fall 1996
  Allen Luce keeper 1871-1893
  Charles Layton keeper 1855, deputy, stats
  Joaquin de la Torre deputy, killed along with Layton
  Peter Nelson keeper 1931-1938
  Bob Stone assistant keeper 1953
  Andrew Wasson keeper 1863-1870
  Andrew Wasson sheriff 1872-1873
  Wreck on shore Oct 1961 wreck of catamaran
  Keeper Plaque and assistant keepers
  Schematic what's in each room
  Map of Bay Area NOAA map SF - Big Sur
  Map of Monterey Bay NOAA map Closeup
  Tower Restoration 9/21/21
  Recent Coast Guard visitor as recorded by Docent Ann
  The Fresnel Lens 10/28/2022
  Juliet Fish Nichols: Angel Island 11/2022
  Site selection by Paul Knostman 11/2011
  Lew Kew post Emily Fish
  PPLH Time line 6/13/2024


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